Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh-- It's one of THOSE days...

So,  I totally know the answer to the question- but I'm asking it anyhow--- 

Do you ever have those days where you actually say out loud "I've had ENOUGH!" I have... and well i've had quite a bit of them lately. There's a song by Katy Perry that in the lyrics it says... "Days like this I want to drive away- pack my bags and watch your shadow fade". You know that it isn't a bad thing to have these feelings about life, people... everything!!  

To be honest, I have yet to figure out how to completely avoid these days... and as far as conquering them... well let's just say crap hurts. Some days it feels like just a scratch and it's a tad uncomfortable, while others feel like you tripped, fell, hurt you knee- hand- and foot, blood everywhere and you need multiple bandages and lots of ice to even remotely feel like ur on the way to recovery. 

I'm fully convinced that people truly don't know what they saying and what they are doing! If they did-- I have to ask the question... "would you really be acting the way you are?" Seriously, look in the mirror-- be recorded (sound, picture or both) and see the way you are treating others. 

I know that this is not my home home- but OH HOLY COW--- this life can have some really difficult days. Why do people have to be so greedy, mean, disgruntled, rude??? What happened to "hi how are you today?" & actually mean it when you say it. Why does it always have to be that you make the choice to forgive others even when they don't ask for your forgiveness and they still walk all over you? 

It's time that I stick up for myself, to stop letting people walk all over me-- I forgive because I want to- because God made my heart that big-- I choose to be the bigger person-- meaning... I choose to pray about circumstances & situations, to ask God how He wants it handled, to not put myself in the "line of fire" just so people see that "oh she is the bigger person for showing her face" and then after they judge me, they turn their backs and say crappy things about me-- I am the bigger person for standing up for who I AM -- I do it for ME --

"This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no. Throw your sticks and stones, throw your bombs and blows, but you're not gonna take my soul." - Katy Perry: Part of Me

Ever have one of these moments?? Don't ever let people tell you how to act, what to say, or how to be the bigger person-- YOU CHOOSE how to act, what to say, and how to be the bigger person. Stick up for YOU & don't let people walk all over you anymore. You can get your point across without causing a scene or a dramatic event. 

Take care of you :)

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Always remember...

Joshua 1:9 ncv
Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the LORD your God will be with you everywhere you go. "

When life feels too hard- when u can't push forward anymore- when u are scared and confused-- He's there-- He's with u. You have God's Holy Spirit ALIVE living inside u.

There isn't anything that's too hard for Him to handle-- hand it on over & let Him takeover.

Take care of you :)

Monday, October 01, 2012


What's the first thing u think of when I say limits? 

Some words that come to mind are boundaries, walls, barricades... What about u? What do u think? 

So... we all know that there are limits on everything! Cell phone plans, the speed that we drive, having one too many drinks... how about on relationships... love? When u say u love someone? Do u secretly place limits on your love that u show towards them? Or that they show you? Did u know that u are the one that places limits on a lot of things u do? 

You know how people say "the sky's the limit" -- so what happens when you reach the sky? Then what? 

What about when you're in a situation where you have done ll you can do... you are at your limit. Again, I ask... then what?

Just when you think you've reached your limit... remember that there is no limit with God and His love!!! Whatever the situation or circumstance-- God is there- He is with you guiding you, leading you, LOVING YOU. 

God's love has no limits. --PERIOD--

When you are in the middle of the dark tunnel, walking in the rain on a muddy road, holding your head in your hands-- He's there. He's the one taking care of you. It's hard to hear this-- because we want the tunnel to end- we want the rain to stop & the mud to dry up- we want to be able to hold our head up high- it's so hard to hear that God's there, because deep deep deep down--- we can see the end... we can see the light... but it's still far-- and we want to just finish already. But as we weep for the end... God says oh sweet child, it's going to be okay I promise. 

Take care of you :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are you in the line of fire?

How about this-- you think you are super close with someone only to find out that you couldn't be farther from them? You've listened to them, never ask for anything in return, always go out of your way to help them, you bend backwards and go out of your way to be there for them... In get treated like scum, never receive any gratitude from them, they talk to you like you are a nasty bug, don't show up when you're suppose to meet up-- when is enough ENOUGH???!!!

You forgive and forgive and forgive-- as the bible instructs you to do, and as a servant of God- you try your hardest and forgive them over and over and OVER again. So just because you forgive this person or people... does that mean that you have to hang out with them all the time? Have them over your home? Let them babysit your kids? Nope. Simple as that. NO. You can forgive- you can love them- and none of this says you must forgive and have them over for dinner every week. LOL It also gives you permission to step away from them- fade them out. "What about if its a family member" you ask? Same thing babe... fade away... there is nothing that says you have to let them walk all over you. There is nothing that says you have to put yourself out there in the line of fire and let them shoot you. 


Try to distance yourself from the person/ and or situation- whatever your situation may be. If you don't... you are the one that will be burned over and over again-- think about it... they don't feel anything now because they are ones hurting you... to them it's like getting something off their chest... for you its oh holy cow WOW. 

Even though you feel like "Man, I am right in this situation, I know I am - they are so wrong for making me feel like this-- " You very well may be in the right... but it's not something they will see-- it's their way or the highway. The sooner you learn that, the better you will be. & on that note too-- you cannot change them. Let me repeat that... YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM. Only God can change the way they are. So, what can you do? As hard as it is... lift them up to God. Ask God to help them- to help their heart- to have their eyes opened, for them to see what their words and actions do to the people around them. 

Not that this is an excuse in ANY WAY at all... but sometimes family, friends, co-workers don't realize their actions towards us. You are shaking your head... "I don't deserve this" -- you are absolutely right! YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS. Like some things seem pre-meditated-- like as if they knew they were going to strike us before they did-- WHAM! WHAM again... and maybe that was the planned action-- but only God knows that for sure. This DOES NOT MAKE IT OKAY. Again, go back to God. This is a situation only He Himself can fix. 

So where can i get that special sparkle strength that I need to get through the tough times? I get mine from God-- it's hard--it hurts and there are a lot of tears... but He carries me though it every time-- He not only walks with me- but He carries me. He sees every single action that person makes towards you, He sees every action YOU make towards that person. It's not just a one way street here. Let Him hold you. Cry on His shoulder. He loves you. 

Take care of you :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I think I can... or Can't

Something occurred to me the other day- while I was talking to someone, I said "I can't"- after I said it I noticed that I immediately felt like... saddened, let down, depressed, punished... have you ever felt that way? Have you taken that moment right after you speak... to really see how the statement made you feel? You might hear people saying "don't pay attention to your feelings"... or something like "live beyond your feelings"-- yeah that can make real sense- but if you take that really to a not good level-- you could turn that into suppressing feelings-- like packing them deep deep down... NOT a good thing.

You remember the story about the train that said "I think I can... I think I can..." you read that story and feel pumped up... if you are like me.. you think of the story, and you are like "YEAH... come on... you can totally do it!!!!!" You feel good & positive!! Can you imagine if the train was like "I think I can... I think I can... well, actually it's too hard... I can't do this... I can't do this at all." OUCH-- even as I wrote that I felt saddened. It amazes me how little things can make your emotions sway one way or the other- and how FAST that happens too... I mean like seconds man!!

Life is full of disappointments and let downs-- but it's how you deal with them-- there should be some kind of a life balance.

Here's an example of something I'm dealing with... So, we all know about me getting sick a couple of months ago- and we all know that the medicine I was on induced type 2 diabetes... and we all know that I am totally working on controlling my blood sugar to (crossing fingers) reverse it.  *If you are just joining us-- I encourage you to go back and read some of my earlier blogs-- especially the testimony one* Well- let me tell you all that this "controlling blood sugar" thing and pricking my fingers twice a day is driving me NUTS-- some days I am okay with it and others-- well, lets just say are NOT good days... finger wont give me enough blood... fingers sore (whether you test on the side or not)... sugar too high... feeling SUPER sick and nauseated... the list goes on and on. Especially annoying when my hubby is home for 24 hrs and I haven't seen him all week- only to feel extremely sick. GRRRRRRR!!!!! All this leads me to say... when I speak "I can't do this... I can't seem to feel better... I can't have this or that..." it makes me feel punished... sad... upset... angry. When I realize exactly what I am speaking and how it makes me feel... I want to turn it around next time. Today, I caught myself saying "I can't have this" at the grocery store-- and then I was like "no no don't say that..." I may not be able to have this but I can have that.

A balance. I've noticed that there is a balance to everything-- life, health, finances... good/bad balance. Do you have balance in your life? I mean, is there a balance- like everyday is not going to be a happy day- bad things happen- but do you have a balance of happiness to make the scale close to even?

So, when I was feeling punished, sad, and discouraged... I was like thinking- God really doesn't want me feeling this way. He loves me and gave me breath- why should I feel this way? It doesn't add anything to my life- worry, stress, anger-- none of these are good things- He doesn't want me feeling this way- and I can make the choice to turn around and give those feelings to Him. It's not a fancy process- it's quite simple.

God, I'm feeling bogged down by my life and circumstances around me- help me not be weighed down- I feel like I have cement shoes on- take the cement shoes off- help me make good choices, help me get healthy, help me deal with the health issues I am battling-- let me see your glory through all of this and be Your light shining for others to see your light through me. In Jesus Name I ask and pray. Amen.

You make your prayer say what your heart feels- or pray what it says above- either way- ask Him for help. He will come to your rescue- Don't stay in the dark and twisty place-- come into the sunshine-- it's a lot better... I promise. 

So, the next time you are in a "I can't" spot... try to remember...

Take care of you :)